Vineyard & Winery Management offers important information and advice for
today's wine and vineyard industries, West Coast to East. Every issue contains detailed
management techniques for winegrowers. Whether they be part of the 90% majority of the
U.S. vintners who grow their own grapes, or are employees responsible for part of large
winegrowing operations, readers can depend on V&WM timely articles and columns
to help them make sound decisions.
Editorial content ranges from vineyard planning, maintenance and harvesting, to wine
production, aging, marketing and distribution. Vineyard and winery owners and managers
can also find assistance with finances, legal issues, personal management and long-term

What they say...
"...V&WM is invaluable! Each issue makes the rounds at our winery. The partners
read the financial features, our business manager reads the marketing features, the
vineyard managers read the viticulture features, the tasting room staff uses the sales
information, and in the cellar, we rely on the production and equipment articles. All of us
depend on the management articles to keep up-to-date with regulations and practices."
Chris Benz, Winemaker
Murphy-Goode Estate Winery
"...V&WM covers all aspects of the wine industry with surprising depth, from
management and administration through vineyard operations and winemaking. This makes
it particularly worthwhile for me."
Margaret Davenport, Winemaker
Clos du Bois Wines
"...I have found VINEYARD & WINERY Magazine to be valuable and truly
informative. It has become one of my mainstream sources of "industry information. An
extremely worthwhile publication!"
Sam Sebastiani
Viansa Winery and Italian Marketplace
"...I have found VINEYARD & WINERY MANAGEMENT Magazine to be a most
helpful tool in keeping abreast of new developments in our industry. It's required reading
at our winery!"
Mike Lee, Winemaker
Kenwood Vineyards
"...VINEYARD & WINERY MANAGEMENT is a valuable tool for keeping up with
new trends in wine marketing, finance, production technology and vineyards. Articles are
succinct and informative and help me do my job better."
Michaela Rodeno, CEO
St. Supery Vineyards & Winery
"...I particularly appreciate "In The Winecellar," and the current equipment information it
presents. I often save the articles and refer friends to them. Easy reading, tastefully
organized and always welcome, you've got a good thing going! Keep up the good
Tom Rinaldi, Winemaker
Duckhorn Vineyards
Feature articles provide the latest management techniques for grape growing, winemaking,
marketing and administration, while identifying the most recent product and service
developments in the industry.
Several times a year, in-depth interviews with skilled
winemakers are presented. There, readers learn step-by-step, what equipment and
procedures winemakers use from vineyard to cellar, showing how they make America's
top quality wines. Columns about label design, winery architecture and equipment
maintenance and special profiles on successful growers and vintners complete the
Vineyard & Winery Management is the only wine and grape industry
magazine to focus on management of people and process. Its broad range of
comprehensive content makes it required reading for today's successful winegrower.
On-Line Marketing: By Veronica Barclay, Barclay & Associates, Napa.
In a very short period of time, Barclay's column has become extremely popular. When she
runs a three-part series, new subscribers call in numbers to request previous issues. Her
last big hit: Programming and Incentives: How to Manage Successful Programs.
Uncorking PR: By Mike Miller of Brown-Miller Associates, Martinez. Miller's
column has dealt with such important issues as How to Write an Effective Newsletter, and
How to Get Wine Writers' Attention. These are issues facing every winery.
Compliance Watch: By Sara Schorske, Compliance Specialists, Santa Rosa.
Every winery must face mountains of paper to meet government standards. Schorske
makes this dreaded job understandable and easy by introducing techniques and computer
programs to cut time and meet deadlines.
Market Watch:
By Wilfred Wong, wine buyer for Beverages and More, and consultant. Virtually every
winery in the North Coast knows Wong, who has been buying wine from them for many
years. He tells them in each issue what it is that makes their wines marketable to buyers
such as himself and others. One of his latest columns was entitled: Anything But
Chardonnay? Not just any Chardonnay! A New Class of Chardonnay That You Can't
Throw Your ABC's At. Provocative, timely editorial.
Irrigated Vineyards
By Richard Thomas, consultant and college instructor. Tips and techniques for irrigated vineyards.
Vineyard Perspectives
Contributions by eastern viticulture consultants, focusing on key topics of concern to growers of non-irrigated vineyards.
Wine Cellar Management: By Dr. Richard Vine, wine buyer for American
Airlines and Purdue University Professor. Vine has a rich and varied background in the
wine industry, and is known throughout the country as a powerful and fair proponent of
American wines. His columns have been among the best read since he began his
association with V&WM.
Voice Mail: This is one of the newer columns. It is a forum where winemakers
can discuss and challenge. Latest debate centered around UC Davis' approach to teaching
winemakers. The responses are still coming in, and discussion may last many months.
Winery Feature of the Month: Every month V&WM features a
particularly successful winery. Secrets of their success are the main message - facts every
winery can use to enhance their own program to grow and succeed.