Vinyl Taste - Printable Version

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- jpy15026 - 02-10-2006

After about an hour a Riesling that I was excited about tasting (Covey Run) started to have a taste that I could only describe as vinyl...
The first glass (~ 4oz.) tasted very good, but a bit sweet and a very short, almost no finish. The second (4-5 oz.) is where I started to get this strong vinyl taste that I did not detect in the first glass. I’m trying to compare different Rieslings to find the one I like best, this is the first one I have tried. Do Rieslings have this taste; is this something common in Rieslings? Any clue on what this may be? I really made a conscience effort to really taste that first glass and I am sure it wasn’t in there. Has anyone had a vinyl taste in a Riesling out there?
Thanks in advance,

- robr - 02-10-2006

Actually this is rather a common taste in Reislings, and it can be so strong as to be off putting in some. I don't really care for it when it is too noticeable.

- hotwine - 02-10-2006

It's frequently mentioned as a "petrol taste" in German Rieslings. Agree it can sometimes be disagreeable. Have no experience with Covey Run.

- jv38 - 02-10-2006

I've noticed that kind of aroma/taste in Cote d' Provence (sp) roses also. If is not too overwhelming, I would say is...interesting.